It’s already summer, all the kids are on vacation, including Zeke, who took advantage of the school break to grow his hair. 😋
Zeke: Dad, can I talk to you?
Allan: Sure, what’s up, buddy, it’s that monster under the bed again?
Zeke: Nah, that one never came back. This is about mom.
Allan: Mom? What’s the matter with her?

Zeke: Well, you didn’t hear it from me, but I think she’s kind of sad, and possibly a little mad at you.
Allan: Is she? Why?
Zeke: I heard her tell Aunt Luna the other day, that you work too much, and that you’re hardly ever home anymore.
Allan: Oh, geez, well, thanks for letting me know, Z.
Zeke: You’re welcome, but — erm, mom is right, you work too much, you should do something to fix it.

Allan: You mean like taking a vacation or something?
Zeke: Yep. I guess mom would love that.
Allan: And not just mom, right?
Zeke: Hehe, well, I wouldn’t mind going to the beach, you know?
Allan: Got it.

Allan: Hey.
Zoe: Hey.
Allan: Uh, Zeke tells me you’re mad at me?
Zoe: What? Where did he get that from?
Allan: I think he heard you talking to Luna.
Zoe: Oh, Zeke… Well, I’m not mad at you Ally, I’m just worried. You work too much, you spend the whole day in the studios. I miss you, and so do the kids.

Allan: I miss you guys too, so I’ll fix that right away. How do you feel about a long vacation in Sulani?
Zoe: Sulani? Wow, that sounds lovely. But can we?
Allan: Of course we can. We’ll go there or anywhere else you want. Just name it and we’ll be right out.
Zoe: Sulani is perfect! Aw, thank you so much, honey.

Allan: Anything to please my beautiful beloved wife.
Zoe: (Internally) This is very suspicious, first he spends weeks away from home, and now he wants to take me on vacation, what is he hiding from me?
(Allan just wants to get better and be a good husband, Zoe needs to stop being so suspicious and just enjoy the moment).

Zeke: Yeah, my plan worked, we’re going on vacation, finally!
(So it was all part of a plan, huh, Zeke, you manipulative little devil? Well, the part about Zoe being sad was true, so we’ll give him that 😉).

Lukas is coming in from his early morning jog and is met with the news that the Wilsons are going on vacation.
Lukas: On vacation? For real?

Zeke: Yes, we’re going to Sulani, ’cause mom thinks dad works a lot and needs a break.

Allan: Actually, we all need a break, so we’ll leave for Sulani as soon as you pack your bags.
Lukas: Wow, okay.

Lukas: Do Anika and Kennedy already know?
Allan: No, I’ll tell them right away.

Allan: But first I have to make reservations, I’ll call my agent right now, he’ll take care of everything.

Will Allan makes plane and hotel reservations for Sulani, Zeke can’t stop thinking about how much fun he’ll have playing in the ocean and in the sand. This is the first vacation of his life! Yay!

The Wilsons are ready to go on vacation to Sulani – Happy travels, guys!